Monday, January 13, 2014


It's been awhile since I've tried to write anything.  Just haven't had the time nor patience for it anymore.  I use to spend hours and hours writing pages and pages worth of stuff and now... Nothing.  Even thinking about writing makes my brain seize up.  I can feel the gears trying to spin.  Trying to knock the cobwebs loose.

Anyways, I joined a creative website forum to try and get that part of my life back.  I'm sure I'll give up in a few weeks but for now, I joined in on this exercise - Come up with a short backstory to go with this image:

I was supposed to keep it down to three paragraphs.  Here's what I came up with:


Larry was a cheat. They all knew it. Yet every Saturday night, here he was at their house playing poker again. Her husband and father-in-law didn't seem to mind him. Even her son Mark was won over by Larry's "charm."

Megan hated Larry. He was a stupid prick with an attitude and roaming hands. He also had no concept of the word "No." For months, she tried to figure out a way to get rid of Larry once and for all. Then it came to her.

She leaned into her husband's ear and whispered "Larry is Mark's real father." Less than a minute later, the Larry problem was solved for good.


And there we go - The first creative words out of my head for 2014.

Megan's Story copyright © 2014 by Andrew Rubio

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